Plasma-wave complex (PWC)
Plasma- wave complex PWC measures electromagnetic fields and plasma waves of natural and technogenic origin in the ionospheric plasma and electromagnetic parameters of space weather.
Description and main characteristics
The PWC in the version Obstanovka-1 (Environment 1st stage) onboard the International Space Station includes following elements:
- two flux-gate magnetometers DFM1 and DFM2 (range ±64000 nT, sensitivity 1 nT);
- combined wave sensors CWS-1, CWS-2 for measurements of alternating magnetic and electric fields and current fluctuations (frequency range 0.140 kHz);
- spacecraft potential sensors DP-1, DP-2, (0200 V);
- cylindrical Langmuir probes LP-1, LP-2, (electron temperature 10006000 K, electron density 1091013 m3);
- correlating electron spectrograph CORES (0.0110 keV);
- radio frequency analyzer RFA (frequency range up to 15 MHz);
- analyzer of low frequency emissions SAS3 (0.140 kHz);
- data acquisition and control units DACU1, DACU2 and the information storage unit ISU.
- thermal control systems ASOTR1 and ASOTR2;
The total mass is 55 kg.
The power consumption is 60 W.
Currently flight models are in production.
General view of experiment aboard ISS
Bulgaria, UK, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Sweden.
S.I. Klimov, Head of laboratory +7(495)333-11-00,