Conception of the situation
investigation in accordance with the scientific tasks of the
IACG/ISTP Campaign 2
Introduction | Conception | The regions designation | The
regions models |
- The orbits as follows are considered: INTERBALL Tail Probe
(IB_TAIL) & Auroral Probe (IB_AUR), GEOTAIL (NASA/ISAS), and
- The geomagnetic regions of the interest are as follows: Boundary layer, Cusp/Cleft, and the daily part of the polar cap and auroral region.
- The situation investigation aim is to select the following favourable
spatial positions (FSP):
- FSP1
: The time intervals corresponding to the INTERBALL TAIL PROBE (IB_TAIL) or GEOTAIL passage through the simulative magnetosphere boundary layer (BL).
- FSP2
: That part of the FSP1 time intervals, which corresponds to the INTERBALL AURORAL PROBE (IB_AUR) or POLAR passing through the cusp region, or diurnal (6 h <MLT< 18 h) auroral region & polar cap.
- FSP3
: That part of the FSP1 & FSP2 time intervals, which corresponds to the magnetic conjugations of the any couple of the considered spacecraft. The value of the relative geocentric angular distance between magnetic field line's footprints is considered during FSP3 situation selection. The mentioned angular distance value less then 5 deg is used as criteria of the FSP3 situation. During magnetic mapping Tsyganenko 87 (Kp=2) + IGRF95 magnetic field models are used. The magnetic field line stop trace altitude (km) is 110.
- For each month of the Campaign 2 (see as an example
May 1998) the
selected FSP events are shown in the
plots and ASCII files as follows:
The real time's (UT) summary plot of the FSP.
The geocentric distance (GCD) of the 4 spacecraft as a function of the time.
The geomagnetic local time (MLT) in the spacecraft positions.
The real time's (UT) summary plot of the multiprobes magnetic
conjugations (FSP3 events).
The similar summary and separate plots of the 4 spacecraft
position as a function of time during full month are
shown as well. The summary plot shows each spacecraft by the
different colours, the separate plots show for the each spacecraft the
simulative geophysical regions by the different colours.
The following kinds of the summary and separate plots of the 4 spacecraft
are shown for each month:
- The real time distribution of the simulative geophysical
regions in the spacecraft positions.
- The geocentric distance as a function of time.
- The geomagnetic local time in the spacecraft positions.
- The orbits position in the GSM c/s.