2008 -
2007 |
PAST SEMINARS (2006) November, 14 V.A. Pilipenko (IKI) "Resonance effects of ULF waves in the Earth's environment" October, 26 M.V. Altaisky (IKI) "Wavelet transform in the theory of random processes and quantum field theory" September, 28 (Thursday) 12.00 Professor T. Owen (Hawaii University, USA) "Origin of the nitrogen in planet atmospheres. New data from Cassini-Huygens" August, 17 (Thursday) I.V. Khalzov (RRC Kurchatov Institute) "Magnetorotational instability of MHD flow in circular channel:
theoretical basis of experiment"
August, 10 (Thursday) Tomoya Takiwaki (University of Tokyo, Japan) "Special
Relativistic Simulations of Magneto-driven Jet from Core-Collapse Supernovae"
June, 28 (Wednesday) Supriya Chakrabarti (Director of Center for Space Physics Boston University, USA)
"An attempt to Directly Image an Extrasolar Planet from a Sounding Rocket" June, 20 Alexander Lipatov (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Hybrid Multiscale Simulation II. (From Fluid/Particle Toward the CPK Models)" June, 15 Gennady Milikh (University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA)
"HAARP as ionospheric instrument of the cutting edge technology" June, 13 Professor V. Shevchenko (SAI MSU) "Unsolved problems in the Moon investigation" June, 7 I. Tolstikhin (Geological Institute, Kola Science Center)
chronometers and time scales for the Galaxy, early Solar system, and terrestrial
planets" May, 29 (Monday) Professor K. Papadopulos; Professor, Academic R.Z. Sagdeev; Professor C.S. Liu and others (Maryland University, USA) "Plasma physics in Maryland University" May, 18 Professor Mike Gruntman (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
"Exploring the Solar System Galactic Frontier from 1 AU" May, 16 1. S.G. Moiseenko (IKI)
"Collapse of rotating astrophysical objects and
magnetorotaional processes in protostellar clouds and
core-collapse supernovae"
(based on doctor's thesis)
2. S. Yu. Sazonov (IKI)
of interstellar medium by X-ray radiation from quasars, statistical
properties of active galactic nuclei based on hard X-ray surveys"
(based on doctor's thesis) April, 25 A.Yu. Loskutov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) "Charm of Chaos" April, 18 Professor V.L. Voeikov (Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
"Chizhevsky Air Ions: Mechanism of Biologic Action and their Natural
Sources" April, 4 A.F. Topunov (A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
biochemistry alternative to earth one possible?" March, 21 V.N. Rudenko (SAI MSU)
status of the gravitational wave experiment" March, 14
20 years later" February, 22 (Wednesday), 12.00 A.B. Struminsky (IKI)
"Multiple acceleration
of protons at the sun and their scatter free propagation to the earth on 2005
January 20" 2. I.M. Aleshin (Institute of physics of the Earth), O.O. Trubachev (Moscow State University) "An equilibrium state of the heterogeneous plasma" January, 31 I.D. Novikov (ASC LPI) "Some observational problems of the Universe Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and most important problems of the relativistic astrophysics" January, 19 (Thursday) V.I.
Shematovich (Institute of Astronomy RAS)
oxygen corona at Mars"