2008 -
2007 |
PAST SEMINARS (2007) December, 13 1. S.G. Moiseenko (IKI) "Core collapse supernovae" 2. Dmitri Vainchtein (IKI) "Resonance phenomena: a
tool for mixing, a tool for control" November, 29 Alexander Gusev (Kazan State University) "Investigation
and exploration of the Moon: scientific achievements, fundamental problems,
international perspectives" November, 20 G. Lazareva (ICMMG SBRAS) "Numerical
Methods for Solving Problems of Gravitational Gas Dynamics" November, 1 E.G. Berezhko (Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy) "Cosmic
ray origin: current status of the problem" October, 30 Shoichi Yamada (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) "The
Standing Accretion Shock Instability and Supernova Mechanisms" July, 31 R. Lovelace (Cornell University) "Propeller
Driven Jets and Spin-Down of Rotating Magnetized Stars" M. Romanova (Cornell University) "3D
MHD Simulation of Accretion onto Magnetized Stars: Steady and Unsteady Accretion
Regimes" July, 10 V.I. Pariev (Lebedev Physical Institute) "On
the origin of the magnetic fields in the Universe: a
dynamo in the accretion disks around black holes"
June, 21 S.A. Bartalev (IKI) "Methods
for an assessment of status and dynamics of boreal forests using earth
observation data"
May, 25 V.P. Lukin (Institute of Atmosphere Optic) "The experience of adaptive optic application in the Solar astronomy" March, 6 A.M. Livshits ( IZMIRAN) "Solar flares" February, 20 Corresponding member of RAS - Kuznetsov E.A. ( FI RASm Moscow). "Nonlinear
theory of mirror (diamagnetic) instability near its
excitation threshold"
January, 16 A.S. Kingsep (Kurchatov Institute) "Investigations on the inertial thermonuclear fusion which are conducted in RSC "Kurchatov Institute" January, 30 A.A. Soloviev (International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences) "On
prediction of critical events in complex systems"